Day 3: Purchase my first NCS online class
So as most people know, I'm a nanny. And not a part time, what am I going to do next type nanny, but an in the trenches helping to raise 3 kids, full time nanny. I love it. I am genuinely happy to go to work 99% of the time, and to be honest, I'd be perfectly happy being a career nanny for many years to come. But I have bigger plans. I can't spill all the beans here, but just know, I've got some things up my sleeve. One of those things happens to be becoming an NCS or Newborn Care Specialist. It's a fancy way to say night nurse or baby nurse lol. You provide childcare during the first 12 weeks of a baby's life, mainly at night, giving relief to exhausted new parents. It's the best of both world, getting to help new parents and getting paid to cuddle a teeny little baby!
Buying the class made me nervous because it was like putting a stamp of reality on my carefully constructed new life plan. I had this terrible feeling, like, what if I start learning about this more in depth and I don't even like it? Or what if I can't understand the material? Or, or, or...? I just bit the bullet, paid the money, and that was that. I won't be able to start the course for a few days because my internet is totally jacked because of some recent storms, but despite my initial nervousness, I'm super excited!
That sounds great! It's fun to study when you're excited about the content and the opportunities it will give you. :)