Saturday, July 7, 2012

Risk #6

Day 6: Buy my web domain

So I'm noticing as a make my way through this list, that a lot of these things have to do with my newly solidified career/life plan.  I think it's because I'm so excited about it and taking the steps to make it a reality scares the crap out of me.  Because what if it fails?  Or what if everyone thinks it's a stupid idea?  Or who knows what other kind of craziness I come up with in my head...That being said though, today's risk is brought to you by planning the rest of my life.

I wish this could  a long, super interesting post, but it's not.  I went on GoDaddy and registered my domain name,  One day in 10 million years when I have that elusive thing called free time again, I'll work on setting it up.  As for right now, I'm just excited that eventually I can direct someone to my own website.  It makes me feel fancy :)

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